Does God exist?

I think the answer to this question depends on how you define “god”. There are hundreds of gods that have existed throughout time. Maybe more. But most of them are extinct now. Or at least lost to history.

The main surviving gods are typically exclusive and monotheistic as represented by the big 3 religions: Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Each of those followers would say that their god exists, but that the others are false gods. This is the prevailing definition of god today. As evidenced by the great divide in the world along religious lines.

But now there is a growing trend for people to blend these religions together and say they all represent the same god, just that people see him (her) differently. That it’s the same god, just worshiped differently.

Others will say that god is who or what ever created the universe. So by definition this god exists because we are here, living and breathing.

So back to the original question: Does god exist? Statistically I would have to say no. Most of the gods throughout history are now extinct. And in time many of the current version of gods will either blend together into one, or fall to history. And the surviving god will be who or what ever created the universe. Which is a rather useless and circular definition.

God is simply a representation of what we don’t currently understand. In this respect, “god” will always exist to the degree that we don’t understand life and the universe.