The nature of the gods

It has been estimated that there have been over 4000 religions throughout history. And each one has one or more gods. There is no definitive definition of what a god is. But most if not all of these gods have these three things in common:

  1. They can’t be falsified
  2. They have powers to benefit humans
  3. They can be influenced by human actions

They can’t be falsified

Their existence and powers can’t be falsified. In other words, they can’t be proven false. They can’t be proven true either but they also can’t be proven false. The latter is the most important feature for a God.

“… not be approachable by direct application of the scientific method. The founding idea [God] must be so untouchable, subjective or abstract in its formulation that man, in his current technological state is ill equipped to prove or disprove the contention at hand. Non-falsifiable, of course is not synonymous with un-falsifiable.”

The non-falsifiable nature of gods is why there are fewer gods now than in the past. Science has explained many of them away so their numbers have dwindled significantly.

They have powers to benefit humans

If the gods were powerless to benefit us then there would be no reason to pay them any attention. Or in the case of multiple gods with different powers, people would look to the one with the power they needed and ignore the others.

They can be influenced by human actions

This is the functions of religions, to influence the gods in our favor. Religions teach their followers what their god expects and how to please that god to get their reward and to avoid their disfavor. Religions are a god’s support group.

Extra terrestrial v terrestrial

Gods have typically been other worldly, or not of this world. But there is precedence for terrestrial gods. The Egyptian pharaohs were living gods. And Julius Caesar thought of himself or at least wanted himself to be thought of as a god.

And in current times there are a number of organizations setting themselves out to be god like. Governments like the CCP, North Korea, and the Russia. They are god like because it’s impossible to (successfully) challenge them and prove them wrong. Those who try are “disappeared” or silenced in other manners.

The outside world sees their faults but those people trapped in their sphere of influence are denied that opportunity by design.